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ABV Aromazyme - Enhance Hop Flavour and Aroma in Beer 100g

ABV Aromazyme - Enhance Hop Flavour and Aroma in Beer 100g
ABV Aromazyme - Enhance Hop Flavour and Aroma in Beer 100g
Ex Tax: £31.05
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Code: GEB3297

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ABV Aromazyme - Enhance Hop Flavour and Aroma in Beer

Lallemand are pleased to announce the launch of yet another innovative product this year for Lallemand Brewing, the enzyme ABV AROMAZYME. To add another layer of expertise to the IPA making process, Lallemand have worked and collected data for the last couple of years with a specific betaglucosidase that is aimed at bringing the most out of hops.

A simple addition of this enzyme in the fermenter will hydrolyze glycosidic bonds present in the hops. This process will, in turn, increase the complexity of the hop aroma and flavor in beer. All is left to do is for the brewers to express their creativity and make a unique IPA by experimenting with different hops.


  • Increases the diversity of hop avours and aroma by changing the ratio of specifc terpene compounds
  • Enhances the beer mouthfeel and drinkability by reducing unpleasant, harsh bitterness
  • Slightly increases wort fermentability
  • Expresses more character from less sophisticated hop varieties

Dose Rate and Application

  • The recommended dosage is 5g/hL.
  • ABV AROMAZYME has optimal activity between pH 3.5-6.5, although lower activity is still observed at pH 3.0 for use in sour beers. The optimal temperature range is 15-65ºC.
  • Dilute the enzyme in an adequate amount of water (~ 1g in 10ml) to ensure even distribution within the fermenter.
Download Data Sheets

Download ABV Enzyme TDS Datasheet

Download ABV Enzyme SDS Datasheet

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