Acids / De-Acidifiers
Acids and De-Acidifiers
The pH of your brewing liquor directly impacts everything about your brew, from the flavour and aromas it gives off, to the end quality of your final beer.
If you’ve been hitting a wall with your homebrewing, making good beer that somehow doesn’t hit the high levels of deliciousness you were hoping for, a good place to start is rechecking your pH levels and amending according to taste and style.
Acid is also a key component in wine making. By deliberately changing the acidity or pH of your wine you can give a wine freshness and structure, or create a softer, sweeter-seeming wine just by adding more acidity, or reducing it.
Using acids and de-acidifiers is also really important to balance out the bicarbonates and other minerals occurring in your water.
Want to learn more? Check out our YouTube channel or take a look at our blog post about treating brewing water.