What is antifoam?
Antifoam is actually a food-grade oil, usually made from silicone or hydrocarbon. Before we explain further, here’s a question for you.
Have you ever noticed that if there’s a smudge of lipstick on the rim of your glass, or lip balm, or a bit of grease, your beer’s head retention falls off a cliff?
This is because of a reaction between the fats found in the lipstick or grease and the beer itself. It destabilises the way the C02 in the beer creates bubbles, and enables it to release without foaming.
The same principle is in action when an antifoam agent is used during the brewing process. The oil acts as a fat, breaking down the bubbles in the brewing beer caused by C02 and proteins, and enabling the C02 to release without producing stable bubbles, avoiding mess and wastage.
If you’d like to bust those bubbles, take a look at Get Er Brewed’s range of antifoam agents below.