Advanced Hop Products
Advanced Hop Products
Are you searching for a method to amplify hop aromas and retain beer head? Maybe even fine-tune your IBUs post-fermentation? Look no further — advanced hop products can help tackle all of these challenges and more.
All advanced hop products start with either leaf or pellet hops. These hops have then been processed into CO2 Hop Extract and further condensed into soft resin compounds such as α-acids, β-acids, and essential oils, thus increasing the quality of the beer and providing more productive solutions.
Not only will they promote greater aroma, bitterness, foam stability, and beer yields, but they also provide greater ease and reliability while simultaneously heightening the brewhouse's productivity. Every product, especially those featuring the hop intensity metric, has antimicrobial features. Light-stable items should also be utilised to ensure light stability throughout.
Driven by their passion for hop-forward beers, brewers use more hops than ever. Unfortunately, the more pellets are used, the more beer is lost due to the hop vegetable matter absorbing beer throughout the brewing process. All-natural advanced hop products have been developed to avoid this wastage, and improve the efficiency of every brew. They can provide hop bitterness, flavour, and aroma to the beer while being made with natural hops, free of other chemicals.
Want to chat to our brewing professionals about how advanced hop products could improve your brewery’s output? Get in touch.