The latest IPA craze sweeping across the US sees a new type of IPA. This time it’s a bone dry champagne-like aromatic hoppy beer, but why is it called “brut”? Simple it’s the terminology to rank sweetness in champagne.
The creator and Californian brewer Kim Sturdavent (Social Brewing) has made it pale, super dry and highly effervescent. The weapon of choice to create this unique beer is an enzyme & Geterbrewed has sourced this so you can create your own homebrew Brut IPAs. The enzyme AMG to put it simply, takes the complex sugars and breaks them down into fermentable sugars. If you’re a homebrewer looking to try a basic brut IPA kit, check out the MJ Brut IPA
Hop bittering levels are low in this style as hop bitterness is usually balanced with the sweetness of the malt bill. In this style, the sweetness from the malt is fermented out, so you need to keep the IBU’s down. New world fruity and tropical hops seem to be the hop flavours of choice
I love experimenting at a home brew level. When brewers innovate and create something special. It makes others push the boundaries too and then we get to enjoy fantastic beers.
The enzyme isn’t a new creation. It has been available in the brewing supplies catalogue for some time. Previously used by brewers to reduce sweetness in big imperial stouts.
I’ve been following some American brewer blogs on the style. They are using new ingredients for an IPA, for example, adjuncts. Now, this doesn’t appear to be to try and save money. It’s to keep the beer pale in colour. Some brewers are using flaked rice and corn.
When yeast is working this hard, it may also be important to look at yeast nutrients. Also, be aware that if you are harvesting the yeast, it will carry over the enzyme.
You can add the enzyme to the mash directly, but to what temperatures or to the fermenter during fermentation? As the style is still very much in its infancy, there is scope for experimentation.
What i personally want to see is brewers releasing well-made batches of Brut IPA. Taking their time to experiment and be creative now just getting one released to be seen to be setting the trend in the local beer scene.
Designing a Brut IPA recipe, your standard IPA base malt bill may be the first place you start. But be aware that the crystal etc., that you add to the body will be totally fermented out. The complex carbohydrates and dextrins will be converted to simple sugars and fermented out. Also, watch the ABV. This is going to almost wholly ferment out. So you don’t want to create something that is going to blow your head off.
Adding this enzyme goes beyond dryness and you don’t need to do anything special during the mash to try and create a dry beer.
My understanding would be that all hop bitterness is going to be best achieved after the boil with a good hop stand. I would feel that the aroma achieved would be a perfect addition to this dry style of beer
The yeast used predominantly in the style to date is a neutral ale yeast, but it’s open to experimentation.
Time to get experimenting with this enzyme, we have added some buying options to the Geterbrewed website for home brewers, and if you are a pro brewer, we also have stock in our warehouse for larger-scale brewing too
We would love you to share your recipes and experiences in brewing this style with us. The team at Geterbrewed will be trying a few recipes out in the coming weeks. We’ll let you know how we get on.