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Brewferm Pilsner Beer Kit

Brewferm Pilsner Beer Kit
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Brewferm Pilsner Beer Kit
Ex Tax: £13.30
  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • Code: GEB2730

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Home Brew Pilsner Kit - Brew Beer at Home

The Brewferm range of Home Brew Beer Kits includes a range of true-to-style Belgian Beers with some additional popular English recipes.

The Brewferm Home Brew Beer Kits come as a single can with easy-to-follow instructions under the cap and the proper brewers' strain of yeast. You will need to add some extra fermentable, which is usually 1kg of Dextrose Brewing Sugar.

Brew quality beer at home easily with a Brewferm Beer of your choice. The hard work has been done for you, and it's as simple as rehydrating the malt extract by adding water and pitching the yeast. The quality of these home brew beer kits is far from novelty, and they will be sure to deliver impressive results.

Light, blond beer, comparable with the commercial lager beers

Hopped Liquid Malt Extract
Genuine Brewer's Yeast
Allergy Advice : May Contain Barley and other Cereals, containing gluten

Makes: 12 or 20 ltrs
ABV Approx: 4.5%
Starting Gravity Approx:1.042
Finishing Gravity Approx: 1.010
Fermentation time:7 days approx
Conditioning time:4 weeks

The Brewferm range is perfectly suitable for beginners to home brewing beer. Check out just how easy they are to make in the GEB Video:

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The weight limit is 30kg for DPD and 70kg for DHL, either by volumetric or actual, whichever is greater. (Remember, a large packing box weighs 1kg of that total weight).

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For any more information, please contact us at 0800 2289 433 or send an email to [email protected].

Instructions for Brewferm® beer kits

Read these instructions carefully and in full before you start. The preparation process is essentially the same for all beer types, but the amounts of sugar and water are different for the various types.
The amounts for each type are shown in the WATER & SUGAR CHART. Brewferm® beer kits are very easy to use. The most important thing is to ensure that everything you use is absolutely clean.


1. Remove the lid and the yeast.
2. Open the can and place it in a kettle filled with warm water (+/- 40°C) so the malt extract takes on a more fluid consistency.
3. Pour the contents of the can into your clean fermentation bucket.
4. Rinse the can well with 1 l of warm water and add.
5. Dissolve the amount of SUGAR 1 in 2 l of warm water and add (if SUGAR 1 = 0 grams, just add 2 litres of warm water).
6. Mix everything thoroughly with a clean mash paddle or spoon.
7. Add cold WATER 1 and mix everything again.
8. Let the mixture cool down to approx. 20-25°C.
9. You can measure the specific gravity using a hydrometer if desired. The ideal value is shown on the label (Original Gravity) and in the table below.
10. Open the yeast and pour the contents of the packet out over the liquid.


11. Close the fermentation bucket and place the airlock on it, which you have filled with water to approximately halfway.
12. Set the bucket in a warm place that has as stable a temperature as possible (18–23°C) and leave to ferment for 7-10 days.


13. Use a hydrometer to determine the specific gravity. Your beer is ready for bottling if:
• There is no more activity in the fermentation bucket and
• The measured SG is more or less equal to the expected SG (see chart) and
• The SG has been stable for 48 hours
Remark: To measure is to know; if you aren’t sure, wait 48 hours and measure again.
14. Siphon the beer into a clean fermentation bucket without stirring up the sediment.
15. Add 7 grams of sugar per litre to the beer for bottle-conditioned beer (if filling kegs, use 2.5 grams of sugar per litre).
16. Mix well. TIP: Dissolve the sugar in a little warm water and let it cool to room temperature.
17. After filling, seal the bottles with a crown cap or flip-top and keep at room temperature (18-23°C) to get the second fermentation started.
18. After ten days, move the beer to a cooler spot to ripen (6 to 8 weeks).
19. Open your beer, pour it and enjoy! Cheers!


• Everything must be absolutely clean! Use a cleaning product specifically intended for this purpose, such as Chemipro® OXI or PBW combined with Star San.
• To measure is to know. Each fermentation is a biochemical process, and is not an exact science. Don’t panic if your fermentation values aren’t identical to the values in the chart.

Observe the following rules to avoid the risk of exploding bottles or kegs:
• Use only pressure-resistant and reusable beer bottles free from scratches and cracks.
• Do not rely solely on a fixed fermentation time or the bubbling of the airlock. Always measure the initial and final density of the beer as described in the user guide.
• Never add too much sugar when bottling.
• During the second fermentation, store bottles and kegs in a separate, closed room, with a stable temperature and preferably not in busy areas.
• Never store filled beer bottles or kegs where they are exposed to direct sunlight.


Bottle Prime Keg Prime 
Pilsner  20 L 1000 16 L 1.042 1.004 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Belgian Dubbel 9 L 500 5 L 1.07 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Winter Ale 7 L 0 3 L 1.065 1.015 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Belgian Brown 15 L 1000 11 L 1.06 1 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Cherry Ale 12 L 500 8 L 1.053 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Strong Blond 9 L 500 5 L 1.075 1.012 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Premium Pils 12 L 500 8 L 1.053 1.005 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Flemish Brown 12 L 800 8 L 1.06 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Belgian Wit 15 L 750 11 L 1.052 1.005 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Wheat Tripel 9 L 500 5 L 1.075 1.015 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Belgian Tripel 9 L 500 5 L 1.075 1.008 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Raspberry Ale 12 L 500 8 L 1.053 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Special Belge 12 L 500 8 L 1.055 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Dunkel Bock 12 L 500 8 L 1.054 1.005 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
English IPA 12 L 600 8 L 1.065 1.017 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Imperial Stout 9 L 500 5 L 1.07 1.015 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Barley Wine 9 L 500 5 L 1.068 1.01 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
Belgian Saison 15 L 500 11 L 1.044 1 7 g/l 2,5 g/l
English Porter 12 L 500 8 L 1.055 1.005 7 g/l 2,5 g/l