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Base Malt

The finest selection of base malts in the homebrew industry, you can buy in a quantity that suits your needs, all malts available as whole malt and crushed malt, we crush malt fresh the day its dispatched, with delivery across the UK and Ireland!

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Base Malt

Base malts make up most of the grist in the mash for all-grain beer. This group includes Pale, Pilsner, Vienna, Munich, Pale Ale, Maris Otter, and Larger Malts. There are also base malts like wheat and rye malt that are not barley-based. You can use up to 100% in the mash with some of these malts, but mixing it with others will give a more complex flavour.

Check out our other malt types.

If you need to substitute any malts, have a look at our handy guide