All Get Er Brewed malts are available as whole malt and crushed malt — we crush malt fresh one the day of dispatch to ensure optimum freshness, with speedy delivery across the UK and Ireland.
What is Base Malt Used For?
What Is a Base Malt Used For?
Base malts make up most of the grist in the mash for all-grain beer. They provide the majority of the necessary sugars (from starch), enzymes and proteins you need to brew. Because base malts do the majority of the groundwork, it is easy to forget how important the are in producing the flavour and character of your beer. As the main malt ingredients, they can totally change the style or quality of your beer.
Base malts include: Pale, Pilsner, Vienna, Munich, Pale Ale, Maris Otter, and Lager Malts. There are also base malts like wheat and rye malt that are not barley-based.
You can use up to 100% in the mash with some of these malts, but mixing it with others will give a more complex flavour.
Check out our other malt types
If you need to substitute any malts, have a look at our handy guide