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Hop Substitution List

Hop Substitution List

Below is a list of Hops with their alpha acids and substitutes.

We don't stock all of these hops, but we most likely have a substitute for them. So if you have found a recipe that you like, this is a good guide to find matching hops.

This chart has been drawn up to help you find the right hops for your home brew recipe.

As you can see, the choice is vast! We might not have every single hop in stock at Get Er Brewed, but we will certainly have a close substitution.

You can use the list as intended, or work backwards—for example, if you’re looking to try a hop that’s similar in flavour and aroma to some others you’ve used before, scroll through the final column to locate the hops you’re familiar with. Then read back to the first column to see which hop you could substitute them for.

If you would like help finding the hops you need, or you’d like to discuss ordering in bulk for your microbrewery, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to help.

Hop Alpha Type (Bittering/Aroma) Substitutes
Admiral 13%-16.2% Bittering Chinook | Northdown | Challenger | Centennial | Cascade (US) | Amarillo | Target
African Queen 10%–17.0% Dual Purpose Amarillo | Cascade | Mosaic | Simco | Citra
Ahtanum 4%-6.3% Aroma Cascade Amarillo
Amarillo 8%-11% Aroma Cascade (US) | Centennial | Ahtanum™ | Chinook | Summer
Amethyst 2%-6% Aroma Saaz | Loral
Apollo 15%-20% Bittering Nugget | Columbus | Zeus
Apolon 10%-12% Dual Purpose Syrian Goldings | Brewers gold | Syrian Aurora
Aquila 6.7%-8.9% Aroma Cluster | Galena
Aramis 7.9%-8.3% Aroma Willamette | Challenger | Ahtanum
Archer 4%%-6% Aroma Willamette | Challenger | Strisselspalt
Ariana 9%-13% Dual Purpose Mandarina Bavaria | Hallertau Blanc
Atlas (Styrian Atlas) 9%-11% Aroma Brewers gold | Syrian Aurora | Apolon
Azacca 14%-16% Dual Purpose Citra | Galaxy | Mosaic
Banner 8.4%-13% Bittering Aquila | Cluster | Galena
Belma 9.4%-12.1% Dual Purpose Summer | Huell Melon
Bitter Gold 15.4%-18.8% Bittering Galena | Nugget
Boadicea 7%-10% Aroma Green Bullet | Cascade | Columbus | Chinook
Bouclier 5.2%-9% Dual Purpose Chinook
Bramling Cross 5%-7.8% Dual Purpose Whitbread Golding
Bravo 14%-17% Bittering Columbus | Zeus
Brewer’s Gold 8.1%-13.1% Bittering Cascade | Bullion
Brewer’s Gold, UK 7.1%-11.3% Bittering Bullion | Cascade | Galena | Northern Brewer (US) | Northdown
Bullion, UK 5.3%-9.5% Bittering Columbus | Northern Brewer | Galena | Chinook | Brewer’s Gold
Bullion, USA 6.7%-12.9% Bittering Columbus | Northern Brewer | Galena | Chinook | Brewer’s Gold
Calicross 5.8%-7.9% Dual Purpose Cluster
Calypso 12%-14% Dual Purpose Galena | Cascade | Huell Melon
Canadian Redvine 5%-6% Aroma Newport | Magnum | Galena
Cascade, USA 4.5%-8.9% Dual Purpose Centennial | Amarillo | Columbus | Ahtanum
Cashmere 7.7%-9.1% Dual Purpose Cascade
Cekin 6%-8% Aroma Styrian Goldings | Brewers gold | Styrian Aurora
Centennial 9.5%-11.5% Dual Purpose Chinook | Galena | Nugget | Zeus | Columbus
Challenger 6.5%-9% Dual Purpose Perle, USA
Chelan 12%-14.5% Bittering Galena | Nugget
Chinook 12%-14% Dual Purpose Galena | Eroica | Nugget | Bullion
Chinook, NZ 12%-14% Dual Purpose Galena | Eroica | Nugget | Bullion
Citra 10%-15% Dual Purpose Simcoe | Cascade | Centennial
Cluster 5.5%-9% Dual Purpose Eroica | Galena
Columbia 6.8%-11.5% Dual Purpose Fuggle | Williamette
Columbus 14%-16% Dual Purpose Zeus | Galena | Chinook | Nugget | Centennial | Millenium
Comet 9.4%-12.4% Dual Purpose Galena
Crystal 2.8%-4.4% Aroma Liberty | Mount Hood | Hallertau, GER | Ultra
Dana 11%-16% Dual Purpose Bobek | Celeia
Defender 3.3%-6% Aroma Density
Delta 5.5%-7% Aroma Cascade | Nelson Sauvin | Fuggle | Willamette
Denali 13%–15% Dual Purpose Nugget | Zueus
Dr. Rudi 10%-12% Dual Purpose Green Bullet
East Kent Goldings 5%-6% Aroma Golding, UK | Whitbread Golding | Progress
Ekuanot (Equinox) 14.5%-15.5% Aroma Huell Melon | El Dorado
El Dorado 13%-17% Dual Purpose Galena | Ekuanot
Ella 13.4%-19.2% Aroma Cascade | Citra
Endeavour 8%-10.5% Dual Purpose Brambling Cross | Pilgram
Enigma 16.7%-19.4% Aroma Nelson Sauvin | Huell Melon
Epic 3%-5% Dual Purpose Fuggle | Mandarina Bavaria
Eroica 7.1%-14.9% Dual Purpose Bullion | Brewer’s Gold | Galena
Eukanot® 14.5%-15.5% Aroma Huell Melon | El Dorado
Eureka 18%-19% Dual Purpose Columbus | Apollo
Falconer’s Flight 11%-12% Dual Purpose Falconers Flight 7C’s | Cascade | Columbus | Centennial
Falconer’s Flight 7C’s Blend 9%-10% Dual Purpose Falconers Flight | Cascade | Columbus | Centennial
First Gold 5.6%-9.3% Dual Purpose Willamette | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding
Flyer 8.3%-14.5% Dual Purpose Willamette | Goldings
Fuggle, Organic 3%-5.6% Aroma Fuggle, USA | Willamette | Styrian | Golding
Fuggle, USA 4%-5.5% Aroma Fuggle, UK | Willamette | Styrian | Golding | Tettnanger (GR)
Fuggle 3%-5.6% Aroma Fuggle, USA | Willamette | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger | Newport | Wakatu
Galaxy 11%-16% Dual Purpose Citra | Amarillo | Centennial
Galena 12%-14% Aroma Nugget | Columbus | Zeus
Gargoyle 7.50% Aroma Cluster | Ivanhoe
German Spalt Select 2.5%-5.5% Aroma Saaz
German Tradition 5%-7% Aroma Hallertau Mittelfruh | Liberty | Hersbrucker
Glacier 3.3%-9.7% Dual Purpose Willamette | Fuggle, USA | Tettnanger (GR)
Goldings, NZ 4%-4.2% Dual Purpose East Kent Goldings
Goldings, UK 4%-7% Aroma Fuggle | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding
Goldings, USA 4%-6% Aroma Fuggle | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding
Goldings, B.C. 4%-7% Aroma East Kent Golding | Golding, USA | Fuggle | Willamette
Green Bullet 11%-15% Dual Purpose Dr Rudi | Liberty | Hallertauer
Hallertau. GER 3.5%-3.5% Aroma Hallertauer Tradition | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertau, NZ | Crystal | Liberty | Mount Hood
Hallertau, NZ 7%-9% Aroma Hallertauer Tradition | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertau, GER | Crystal | Liberty | Mount Hood
Hallertau, USA 3.5%-5.5% Aroma Mount Hood | Liberty | Crystal | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertauer Tradition
Hallertau Blanc 9%-12% Aroma Nelson Sauvin
Hallertau Gold 7%-10% Aroma Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Tettnanger | East Kent Golding
Hallertau Magnum 11%-16% Bittering Hallertauer Taurus | Columbus | Nugget
Hallertau Taurus 12.3%-17.9% Dual Purpose Citra | Magnum, USA | Tradition
Hallertau Tradition 4.6%-7% Aroma Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Liberty
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh 3.0%-5.5% Aroma Liberty | Hallertau, USA
Helga (Southern Hallertau) 5.4%-7.3% Aroma Mount Hood | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh
Herald 11.9%-12.8% Dual Purpose Pioneer
Herkules 12%-17% Dual Purpose Chinook
Hersbrucker 2%-5% Aroma Hallertauer Tradition | Spalter Select | Mount Hood | Strisselspalter | Hallertau | Liberty
Horizon 8.8%-16.5% Dual Purpose Hallertauer Magnum
Huell Melon 6.9%-7.5% Aroma Ekuanot | Cascade
Idaho #7 13%-15% Aroma Mosaic | Citra
Ivanhoe 7.3%-8% Aroma Galena | Cluster | Northern Brewer
Jarrylo 15%-17% Dual Purpose Taurus | Calypso | Huell Melon
Jester 7%-9% Aroma Cascade | Challenger
Junga 10.0%-13.0% Dual Purpose Nugget | Target
Kazbek 5%-8% Aroma Saaz | Premiant
Kirin II 8.00% Dual Purpose Saaz | Loral
Kohatu 6.80% Aroma Citra | Motueka
Legacy 7.8%-8.4% Dual Purpose Cluster | Galena | Northern Brewer
Lemondrop 5%-7% Dual Purpose Cascade | Centennial | Mandarina Bavaria
Liberty 3%-6% Aroma Hallertau | Mount Hood | Tradition | Strisselspalter
Loral 10%-12% Aroma Strisselspalt | Tardif De Bourgogne | Tettnag | Nuget
Lublin (Lubelski) 3%-5% Aroma Saaz | Sterling
Magnum, GER 12%-14% Bittering Hallertauer Taurus | Columbus | Nugget
Magnum, USA 10%-14% Bittering Magnum (GER) | Horizon |
Mandarina Bavaria 8.5%-10.5% Aroma Columbus | Nugget
Marynka 9%-12% Dual Purpose Tettnanger
Mathon White 4.4%-6.7% Aroma Bramling | East Kent Golding | Progress | Whitbread Golding
Medusa 3.5%-5% Aroma Zappa
Melba 7%-10% Dual Purpose Galaxy
Meridian 5.%-6.5% Aroma Citra | Glacier | Centennial
Merkur 12%-16.2% Dual Purpose Magnum (GR)
Millennium 14.5%-16.5% Bittering Columbus | Nugget | Summit
Mosaic 11.5%-13.5% Dual Purpose Simcoe | Citra | Nugget
Motueka 6.5%-8.5% Dual Purpose Saaz | Sterling | liberty
Moutere (Brooklyn) 15.5%-18% Dual Purpose Citra | Simcoe
Mt. Hood 4%-8% Aroma Crystal | Strisselspalter | Hersbrucker
Mt. Rainier 5%-8.1% Dual Purpose Hallertauer | Fuggle
MultiHead 3.5%-5.5% Dual Purpose Medusa
Nelson Sauvin 12%-13% Dual Purpose Pacific Jade | Pacifica
Neo1 7%-9% Dual Purpose lemon drop
Newport 13.5%-17% Bittering Galena
Northdown 7%-10% Dual Purpose Challenger
Northern Brewer, GER 7%-10% Bittering Perle | Northern Brewer, UK | Northern Brewer, USA | Chinook | Galena | Magnum
Northern Brewer, UK 9.50% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, GER
Northern Brewer, USA 8%-10% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, GER | Northern Brewer, UK | Chinook
Nugget 9.5%-14% Dual Purpose Galena | Columbus | Magnum
Olympic 10.6%-13.8% Dual Purpose Galena | Nugget
Opal 13%-14% Dual Purpose East Kent Golding | Tettnang | Syrian Goldings
Orion 8%-9% Dual Purpose Perle
Outeniqua 12%-13.5% Bittering Southern Star
Pacific Crest 3.90% Aroma Saaz | Fuggle | Tettnang
Pacific Gem 13%-16% Dual Purpose Galena | Pacific Jade
Pacific Jade 12%-14% Aroma Galena | Pacific gem
Pacific Sunrise 12.5%-14.5% Bittering Pacific Gem
Pacifica 5%-6% Aroma Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Perle
Pahto 17%-20% Bittering East Kent Goldings
Palisade® 5.5%-9.5% Aroma Willamette
Pekko 13%-16% Dual Purpose Heull Melon | El Dorado | Saaz
Perle 8%-9% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, GER | Magnum
Perle, USA 6%-10% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, UK | Northern Brewer, GER | Magnum
Phoenix 8.5%-13.5% Dual Purpose Northdown | Challenger
Pilgrim 9%-13% Dual Purpose Target | Challenger
Pilot 8%-11.5% Bittering Galena
Pioneer 8%-10% Dual Purpose East Kent Golding
Polaris 18%-23% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, GER
Precoce de Bourgogne 3.40% Aroma Tardif de Bourgogne
Premiant 8%-12.5% Aroma Saaz | Kazbek
Pride of Ringwood 7%-11% Bittering Galena | Cluster | Centennial
Progress 6%-7.5% Aroma Fuggle, UK | East Kent Goldings
Rakau 5.8%-10.9% Dual Purpose Summit | Amarillo
Relax 0.25% Aroma Heull Melon
Riwaka 4.5%-6.5% Aroma Saaz
Rubin 10%-14% Dual Purpose Saaz | Strisselspalt
Saaz, Czech 2.5%-4.5% Aroma Premiant | Kazbek | Sterling | Lubin | Saaz, USA
Saaz, U.S.A 3%-4.5% Aroma Saaz
Santiam 5%-8% Aroma Spalt | Tettnang
Saphir 2%-4.5% Aroma Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Savinjski Golding 2.8%-6% Aroma Saaz | Tettnang
Simcoe® 12.0%-14.0% Dual Purpose Summit | Citra | Mosaic
Sladek 4.5%-8% Aroma Saaz
Smaragd 4%-6% Dual Purpose Hallertau Gold
Sonnet Golding 2.6%-6% Aroma Saaz | East Kent Golding | Crystal | Strisselspalt | Hersbrucker
Sorachi Ace 11.5%-16% Dual Purpose Liberty | Lemondrop
Southern Brewer 5.6%-12% Bittering Southern Promise
Southern Cross 13%-14% Dual Purpose Simcoe
Southern Dawn 10%-12% Dual Purpose Southern Brewer | Southern Promis
Southern Promise 9.5%-11.5% Dual Purpose Southern Brewer | Southern Promis
Southern Star 12%-14% Bittering Outeniqua
Sovereign 4.5%-6.5% Bittering Fuggle
Spalt 2.5%-5.7% Aroma Saaz | Tettnang | Santiam | Liberty | Hallertau
Spalt Spalter 2.5%-5.7% Aroma Saaz | Tettnanger | Santiam | Liberty | Hallertau
Spalter Select 3%-6.5% Aroma Saaz | Tettnanger | Spalt | Hersbrucker | Perle | Hallertau Tradition
Sterling, USA 4.5%-9% Dual Purpose Saaz | Mt Hood
Sticklebract 13%-14.2% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer, GER
Strisselspalt 1.8%-5.7% Aroma Mount Hood | Crystal | Hersbrucker
Styrian Aurora 7.2%-12.6% Dual Purpose Styrian Golding | Northern Brewer
Styrian Bobek 3.5-9.3% Dual Purpose Fuggle | Willamette | Styrian Golding
Styrian Celeia 3%-6% Dual Purpose Saaz | Bobek | Styrian Golding
Styrian Goldings, NZ 4.5%-7.5% Aroma Fuggle, USA
Summer 5.6%-6.4% Aroma Belma | Palisade
Summit™ 16%-18% Bittering Columbus | Simcoe | Millennium | Warrior
Sun 12%-16% Bittering Magnum | Galena | Zeus
Super Galena 13%-16% Bittering Nugget | Columbus | Zeus | Chinook | Pride of Ringwood | Eroica | Newport | Cluster | Brewers Gold
Super Pride 13.5%-15% Bittering Pride of Ringwood
Sussex 4.3%-5.8% Aroma Progress | Whitbread Golding | Fuggle
Sybilla 6%-8% Dual Purpose Bobek | Lubelski | Saaz | Fuggle
Sylva 5.6%-7.3% Aroma Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Helga | Saaz
Tahoma 7.2%-8.2% Aroma Mandarina Bavaria | Lemondrop
Taiheke 6%-8% Dual Purpose Hallertau | Goldings
Tardif de Bourgogne 7.2%-8.2% Aroma Precoce de Bourgogne
Target 8%-12.5% Dual Purpose Willamette | Fuggle
Teamaker 0.6%-1.8% Aroma Crystal | Fuggle
Tettnang 3%-5.8% Dual Purpose Spalt | Hersbrucker | Saaz
Tettnang, USA 4%-5% Dual Purpose Fuggle | Santiam | Spalt
Tillicum 13.5%-15.5.% Bittering Galena | Chelan
Tomahawk 14%-18% Dual Purpose Columbus | Zeus
Topaz 13.7%-17.7% Dual Purpose Summit | Apollo
Triple Pearl 9%-11% Dual Purpose Mandarina Bavaria | Huell Melon
Triskel 8%-9% Aroma Strisselspalt | Ahtanum | Centennial | Chinook | Simcoe
Ultra 3%-5% Aroma Tettnanger, GER | Saaz
Vanguard 4.40%-6% Aroma Liberty | Mount Hood
Vic Secret 14%-17% Dual Purpose Galaxy
Viking 8%-10% Aroma Saxon
Vital 14%-17% Dual Purpose Chinook
Vojvodina 6.1%-10.5% Dual Purpose Northern Brewer | Goldings
Wai-iti 2.5%-3.5% Aroma Kahatu
Waimea 16%-19% Dual Purpose Pacific Jade | Pacific gem | Columbus
Wakatu 6.5%-8.5% Dual Purpose Hallertauer Mittelfrüh
Warrior® 14.5%-18% Bittering Nugget
Whitbread Golding (WGV) 5%-7.5% Dual Purpose East Kent Goldings | Progress
Willamette 4%-6% Aroma Fuggle | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger | Glacier | Styrian Golding
Willamette, NZ 4%-6% Aroma Fuggle | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger, USA | Glacier | Styrian Golding
Wye Challenger 5%-9% Dual Purpose Perle, USA | Northern Brewer | Admiral
Yakima Gold 8.8%-10.5% Dual Purpose Cluster | Chinook
Zeus 13%-17.5% Bittering Columbus
Zlatan 5.20% Aroma Saaz | Hallertau
Zythos® 10%-12.5% Dual Purpose Citra | Simcoe | Amarillo

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