Hop Substitution List
Hop Substitution List
Below is a list of Hops with their alpha acids and substitutes.
We don't stock all of these hops, but we most likely have a substitute for them. So if you have found a recipe that you like, this is a good guide to find matching hops.
This chart has been drawn up to help you find the right hops for your home brew recipe.
As you can see, the choice is vast! We might not have every single hop in stock at Get Er Brewed, but we will certainly have a close substitution.
You can use the list as intended, or work backwards—for example, if you’re looking to try a hop that’s similar in flavour and aroma to some others you’ve used before, scroll through the final column to locate the hops you’re familiar with. Then read back to the first column to see which hop you could substitute them for.
If you would like help finding the hops you need, or you’d like to discuss ordering in bulk for your microbrewery, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to help.
Hop | Alpha | Type (Bittering/Aroma) | Substitutes |
Admiral | 13%-16.2% | Bittering | Chinook | Northdown | Challenger | Centennial | Cascade (US) | Amarillo | Target |
African Queen | 10%–17.0% | Dual Purpose | Amarillo | Cascade | Mosaic | Simco | Citra |
Ahtanum | 4%-6.3% | Aroma | Cascade Amarillo |
Amarillo | 8%-11% | Aroma | Cascade (US) | Centennial | Ahtanum™ | Chinook | Summer |
Amethyst | 2%-6% | Aroma | Saaz | Loral |
Apollo | 15%-20% | Bittering | Nugget | Columbus | Zeus |
Apolon | 10%-12% | Dual Purpose | Syrian Goldings | Brewers gold | Syrian Aurora |
Aquila | 6.7%-8.9% | Aroma | Cluster | Galena |
Aramis | 7.9%-8.3% | Aroma | Willamette | Challenger | Ahtanum |
Archer | 4%%-6% | Aroma | Willamette | Challenger | Strisselspalt |
Ariana | 9%-13% | Dual Purpose | Mandarina Bavaria | Hallertau Blanc |
Atlas (Styrian Atlas) | 9%-11% | Aroma | Brewers gold | Syrian Aurora | Apolon |
Azacca | 14%-16% | Dual Purpose | Citra | Galaxy | Mosaic |
Banner | 8.4%-13% | Bittering | Aquila | Cluster | Galena |
Belma | 9.4%-12.1% | Dual Purpose | Summer | Huell Melon |
Bitter Gold | 15.4%-18.8% | Bittering | Galena | Nugget |
Boadicea | 7%-10% | Aroma | Green Bullet | Cascade | Columbus | Chinook |
Bouclier | 5.2%-9% | Dual Purpose | Chinook |
Bramling Cross | 5%-7.8% | Dual Purpose | Whitbread Golding |
Bravo | 14%-17% | Bittering | Columbus | Zeus |
Brewer’s Gold | 8.1%-13.1% | Bittering | Cascade | Bullion |
Brewer’s Gold, UK | 7.1%-11.3% | Bittering | Bullion | Cascade | Galena | Northern Brewer (US) | Northdown |
Bullion, UK | 5.3%-9.5% | Bittering | Columbus | Northern Brewer | Galena | Chinook | Brewer’s Gold |
Bullion, USA | 6.7%-12.9% | Bittering | Columbus | Northern Brewer | Galena | Chinook | Brewer’s Gold |
Calicross | 5.8%-7.9% | Dual Purpose | Cluster |
Calypso | 12%-14% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Cascade | Huell Melon |
Canadian Redvine | 5%-6% | Aroma | Newport | Magnum | Galena |
Cascade, USA | 4.5%-8.9% | Dual Purpose | Centennial | Amarillo | Columbus | Ahtanum |
Cashmere | 7.7%-9.1% | Dual Purpose | Cascade |
Cekin | 6%-8% | Aroma | Styrian Goldings | Brewers gold | Styrian Aurora |
Centennial | 9.5%-11.5% | Dual Purpose | Chinook | Galena | Nugget | Zeus | Columbus |
Challenger | 6.5%-9% | Dual Purpose | Perle, USA |
Chelan | 12%-14.5% | Bittering | Galena | Nugget |
Chinook | 12%-14% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Eroica | Nugget | Bullion |
Chinook, NZ | 12%-14% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Eroica | Nugget | Bullion |
Citra | 10%-15% | Dual Purpose | Simcoe | Cascade | Centennial |
Cluster | 5.5%-9% | Dual Purpose | Eroica | Galena |
Columbia | 6.8%-11.5% | Dual Purpose | Fuggle | Williamette |
Columbus | 14%-16% | Dual Purpose | Zeus | Galena | Chinook | Nugget | Centennial | Millenium |
Comet | 9.4%-12.4% | Dual Purpose | Galena |
Crystal | 2.8%-4.4% | Aroma | Liberty | Mount Hood | Hallertau, GER | Ultra |
Dana | 11%-16% | Dual Purpose | Bobek | Celeia |
Defender | 3.3%-6% | Aroma | Density |
Delta | 5.5%-7% | Aroma | Cascade | Nelson Sauvin | Fuggle | Willamette |
Denali | 13%–15% | Dual Purpose | Nugget | Zueus |
Dr. Rudi | 10%-12% | Dual Purpose | Green Bullet |
East Kent Goldings | 5%-6% | Aroma | Golding, UK | Whitbread Golding | Progress |
Ekuanot (Equinox) | 14.5%-15.5% | Aroma | Huell Melon | El Dorado |
El Dorado | 13%-17% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Ekuanot |
Ella | 13.4%-19.2% | Aroma | Cascade | Citra |
Endeavour | 8%-10.5% | Dual Purpose | Brambling Cross | Pilgram |
Enigma | 16.7%-19.4% | Aroma | Nelson Sauvin | Huell Melon |
Epic | 3%-5% | Dual Purpose | Fuggle | Mandarina Bavaria |
Eroica | 7.1%-14.9% | Dual Purpose | Bullion | Brewer’s Gold | Galena |
Eukanot® | 14.5%-15.5% | Aroma | Huell Melon | El Dorado |
Eureka | 18%-19% | Dual Purpose | Columbus | Apollo |
Falconer’s Flight | 11%-12% | Dual Purpose | Falconers Flight 7C’s | Cascade | Columbus | Centennial |
Falconer’s Flight 7C’s Blend | 9%-10% | Dual Purpose | Falconers Flight | Cascade | Columbus | Centennial |
First Gold | 5.6%-9.3% | Dual Purpose | Willamette | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding |
Flyer | 8.3%-14.5% | Dual Purpose | Willamette | Goldings |
Fuggle, Organic | 3%-5.6% | Aroma | Fuggle, USA | Willamette | Styrian | Golding |
Fuggle, USA | 4%-5.5% | Aroma | Fuggle, UK | Willamette | Styrian | Golding | Tettnanger (GR) |
Fuggle | 3%-5.6% | Aroma | Fuggle, USA | Willamette | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger | Newport | Wakatu |
Galaxy | 11%-16% | Dual Purpose | Citra | Amarillo | Centennial |
Galena | 12%-14% | Aroma | Nugget | Columbus | Zeus |
Gargoyle | 7.50% | Aroma | Cluster | Ivanhoe |
German Spalt Select | 2.5%-5.5% | Aroma | Saaz |
German Tradition | 5%-7% | Aroma | Hallertau Mittelfruh | Liberty | Hersbrucker |
Glacier | 3.3%-9.7% | Dual Purpose | Willamette | Fuggle, USA | Tettnanger (GR) |
Goldings, NZ | 4%-4.2% | Dual Purpose | East Kent Goldings |
Goldings, UK | 4%-7% | Aroma | Fuggle | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding |
Goldings, USA | 4%-6% | Aroma | Fuggle | East Kent Golding | Styrian Golding |
Goldings, B.C. | 4%-7% | Aroma | East Kent Golding | Golding, USA | Fuggle | Willamette |
Green Bullet | 11%-15% | Dual Purpose | Dr Rudi | Liberty | Hallertauer |
Hallertau. GER | 3.5%-3.5% | Aroma | Hallertauer Tradition | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertau, NZ | Crystal | Liberty | Mount Hood |
Hallertau, NZ | 7%-9% | Aroma | Hallertauer Tradition | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertau, GER | Crystal | Liberty | Mount Hood |
Hallertau, USA | 3.5%-5.5% | Aroma | Mount Hood | Liberty | Crystal | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Hallertauer Tradition |
Hallertau Blanc | 9%-12% | Aroma | Nelson Sauvin |
Hallertau Gold | 7%-10% | Aroma | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | Tettnanger | East Kent Golding |
Hallertau Magnum | 11%-16% | Bittering | Hallertauer Taurus | Columbus | Nugget |
Hallertau Taurus | 12.3%-17.9% | Dual Purpose | Citra | Magnum, USA | Tradition |
Hallertau Tradition | 4.6%-7% | Aroma | Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Liberty |
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh | 3.0%-5.5% | Aroma | Liberty | Hallertau, USA |
Helga (Southern Hallertau) | 5.4%-7.3% | Aroma | Mount Hood | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh |
Herald | 11.9%-12.8% | Dual Purpose | Pioneer |
Herkules | 12%-17% | Dual Purpose | Chinook |
Hersbrucker | 2%-5% | Aroma | Hallertauer Tradition | Spalter Select | Mount Hood | Strisselspalter | Hallertau | Liberty |
Horizon | 8.8%-16.5% | Dual Purpose | Hallertauer Magnum |
Huell Melon | 6.9%-7.5% | Aroma | Ekuanot | Cascade |
Idaho #7 | 13%-15% | Aroma | Mosaic | Citra |
Ivanhoe | 7.3%-8% | Aroma | Galena | Cluster | Northern Brewer |
Jarrylo | 15%-17% | Dual Purpose | Taurus | Calypso | Huell Melon |
Jester | 7%-9% | Aroma | Cascade | Challenger |
Junga | 10.0%-13.0% | Dual Purpose | Nugget | Target |
Kazbek | 5%-8% | Aroma | Saaz | Premiant |
Kirin II | 8.00% | Dual Purpose | Saaz | Loral |
Kohatu | 6.80% | Aroma | Citra | Motueka |
Legacy | 7.8%-8.4% | Dual Purpose | Cluster | Galena | Northern Brewer |
Lemondrop | 5%-7% | Dual Purpose | Cascade | Centennial | Mandarina Bavaria |
Liberty | 3%-6% | Aroma | Hallertau | Mount Hood | Tradition | Strisselspalter |
Loral | 10%-12% | Aroma | Strisselspalt | Tardif De Bourgogne | Tettnag | Nuget |
Lublin (Lubelski) | 3%-5% | Aroma | Saaz | Sterling |
Magnum, GER | 12%-14% | Bittering | Hallertauer Taurus | Columbus | Nugget |
Magnum, USA | 10%-14% | Bittering | Magnum (GER) | Horizon | |
Mandarina Bavaria | 8.5%-10.5% | Aroma | Columbus | Nugget |
Marynka | 9%-12% | Dual Purpose | Tettnanger |
Mathon White | 4.4%-6.7% | Aroma | Bramling | East Kent Golding | Progress | Whitbread Golding |
Medusa | 3.5%-5% | Aroma | Zappa |
Melba | 7%-10% | Dual Purpose | Galaxy |
Meridian | 5.%-6.5% | Aroma | Citra | Glacier | Centennial |
Merkur | 12%-16.2% | Dual Purpose | Magnum (GR) |
Millennium | 14.5%-16.5% | Bittering | Columbus | Nugget | Summit |
Mosaic | 11.5%-13.5% | Dual Purpose | Simcoe | Citra | Nugget |
Motueka | 6.5%-8.5% | Dual Purpose | Saaz | Sterling | liberty |
Moutere (Brooklyn) | 15.5%-18% | Dual Purpose | Citra | Simcoe |
Mt. Hood | 4%-8% | Aroma | Crystal | Strisselspalter | Hersbrucker |
Mt. Rainier | 5%-8.1% | Dual Purpose | Hallertauer | Fuggle |
MultiHead | 3.5%-5.5% | Dual Purpose | Medusa |
Nelson Sauvin | 12%-13% | Dual Purpose | Pacific Jade | Pacifica |
Neo1 | 7%-9% | Dual Purpose | lemon drop |
Newport | 13.5%-17% | Bittering | Galena |
Northdown | 7%-10% | Dual Purpose | Challenger |
Northern Brewer, GER | 7%-10% | Bittering | Perle | Northern Brewer, UK | Northern Brewer, USA | Chinook | Galena | Magnum |
Northern Brewer, UK | 9.50% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, GER |
Northern Brewer, USA | 8%-10% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, GER | Northern Brewer, UK | Chinook |
Nugget | 9.5%-14% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Columbus | Magnum |
Olympic | 10.6%-13.8% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Nugget |
Opal | 13%-14% | Dual Purpose | East Kent Golding | Tettnang | Syrian Goldings |
Orion | 8%-9% | Dual Purpose | Perle |
Outeniqua | 12%-13.5% | Bittering | Southern Star |
Pacific Crest | 3.90% | Aroma | Saaz | Fuggle | Tettnang |
Pacific Gem | 13%-16% | Dual Purpose | Galena | Pacific Jade |
Pacific Jade | 12%-14% | Aroma | Galena | Pacific gem |
Pacific Sunrise | 12.5%-14.5% | Bittering | Pacific Gem |
Pacifica | 5%-6% | Aroma | Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Perle |
Pahto | 17%-20% | Bittering | East Kent Goldings |
Palisade® | 5.5%-9.5% | Aroma | Willamette |
Pekko | 13%-16% | Dual Purpose | Heull Melon | El Dorado | Saaz |
Perle | 8%-9% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, GER | Magnum |
Perle, USA | 6%-10% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, USA | Northern Brewer, UK | Northern Brewer, GER | Magnum |
Phoenix | 8.5%-13.5% | Dual Purpose | Northdown | Challenger |
Pilgrim | 9%-13% | Dual Purpose | Target | Challenger |
Pilot | 8%-11.5% | Bittering | Galena |
Pioneer | 8%-10% | Dual Purpose | East Kent Golding |
Polaris | 18%-23% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, GER |
Precoce de Bourgogne | 3.40% | Aroma | Tardif de Bourgogne |
Premiant | 8%-12.5% | Aroma | Saaz | Kazbek |
Pride of Ringwood | 7%-11% | Bittering | Galena | Cluster | Centennial |
Progress | 6%-7.5% | Aroma | Fuggle, UK | East Kent Goldings |
Rakau | 5.8%-10.9% | Dual Purpose | Summit | Amarillo |
Relax | 0.25% | Aroma | Heull Melon |
Riwaka | 4.5%-6.5% | Aroma | Saaz |
Rubin | 10%-14% | Dual Purpose | Saaz | Strisselspalt |
Saaz, Czech | 2.5%-4.5% | Aroma | Premiant | Kazbek | Sterling | Lubin | Saaz, USA |
Saaz, U.S.A | 3%-4.5% | Aroma | Saaz |
Santiam | 5%-8% | Aroma | Spalt | Tettnang |
Saphir | 2%-4.5% | Aroma | Hallertau Mittelfrüh |
Savinjski Golding | 2.8%-6% | Aroma | Saaz | Tettnang |
Simcoe® | 12.0%-14.0% | Dual Purpose | Summit | Citra | Mosaic |
Sladek | 4.5%-8% | Aroma | Saaz |
Smaragd | 4%-6% | Dual Purpose | Hallertau Gold |
Sonnet Golding | 2.6%-6% | Aroma | Saaz | East Kent Golding | Crystal | Strisselspalt | Hersbrucker |
Sorachi Ace | 11.5%-16% | Dual Purpose | Liberty | Lemondrop |
Southern Brewer | 5.6%-12% | Bittering | Southern Promise |
Southern Cross | 13%-14% | Dual Purpose | Simcoe |
Southern Dawn | 10%-12% | Dual Purpose | Southern Brewer | Southern Promis |
Southern Promise | 9.5%-11.5% | Dual Purpose | Southern Brewer | Southern Promis |
Southern Star | 12%-14% | Bittering | Outeniqua |
Sovereign | 4.5%-6.5% | Bittering | Fuggle |
Spalt | 2.5%-5.7% | Aroma | Saaz | Tettnang | Santiam | Liberty | Hallertau |
Spalt Spalter | 2.5%-5.7% | Aroma | Saaz | Tettnanger | Santiam | Liberty | Hallertau |
Spalter Select | 3%-6.5% | Aroma | Saaz | Tettnanger | Spalt | Hersbrucker | Perle | Hallertau Tradition |
Sterling, USA | 4.5%-9% | Dual Purpose | Saaz | Mt Hood |
Sticklebract | 13%-14.2% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer, GER |
Strisselspalt | 1.8%-5.7% | Aroma | Mount Hood | Crystal | Hersbrucker |
Styrian Aurora | 7.2%-12.6% | Dual Purpose | Styrian Golding | Northern Brewer |
Styrian Bobek | 3.5-9.3% | Dual Purpose | Fuggle | Willamette | Styrian Golding |
Styrian Celeia | 3%-6% | Dual Purpose | Saaz | Bobek | Styrian Golding |
Styrian Goldings, NZ | 4.5%-7.5% | Aroma | Fuggle, USA |
Summer | 5.6%-6.4% | Aroma | Belma | Palisade |
Summit™ | 16%-18% | Bittering | Columbus | Simcoe | Millennium | Warrior |
Sun | 12%-16% | Bittering | Magnum | Galena | Zeus |
Super Galena | 13%-16% | Bittering | Nugget | Columbus | Zeus | Chinook | Pride of Ringwood | Eroica | Newport | Cluster | Brewers Gold |
Super Pride | 13.5%-15% | Bittering | Pride of Ringwood |
Sussex | 4.3%-5.8% | Aroma | Progress | Whitbread Golding | Fuggle |
Sybilla | 6%-8% | Dual Purpose | Bobek | Lubelski | Saaz | Fuggle |
Sylva | 5.6%-7.3% | Aroma | Hallertau Mittelfrüh | Helga | Saaz |
Tahoma | 7.2%-8.2% | Aroma | Mandarina Bavaria | Lemondrop |
Taiheke | 6%-8% | Dual Purpose | Hallertau | Goldings |
Tardif de Bourgogne | 7.2%-8.2% | Aroma | Precoce de Bourgogne |
Target | 8%-12.5% | Dual Purpose | Willamette | Fuggle |
Teamaker | 0.6%-1.8% | Aroma | Crystal | Fuggle |
Tettnang | 3%-5.8% | Dual Purpose | Spalt | Hersbrucker | Saaz |
Tettnang, USA | 4%-5% | Dual Purpose | Fuggle | Santiam | Spalt |
Tillicum | 13.5%-15.5.% | Bittering | Galena | Chelan |
Tomahawk | 14%-18% | Dual Purpose | Columbus | Zeus |
Topaz | 13.7%-17.7% | Dual Purpose | Summit | Apollo |
Triple Pearl | 9%-11% | Dual Purpose | Mandarina Bavaria | Huell Melon |
Triskel | 8%-9% | Aroma | Strisselspalt | Ahtanum | Centennial | Chinook | Simcoe |
Ultra | 3%-5% | Aroma | Tettnanger, GER | Saaz |
Vanguard | 4.40%-6% | Aroma | Liberty | Mount Hood |
Vic Secret | 14%-17% | Dual Purpose | Galaxy |
Viking | 8%-10% | Aroma | Saxon |
Vital | 14%-17% | Dual Purpose | Chinook |
Vojvodina | 6.1%-10.5% | Dual Purpose | Northern Brewer | Goldings |
Wai-iti | 2.5%-3.5% | Aroma | Kahatu |
Waimea | 16%-19% | Dual Purpose | Pacific Jade | Pacific gem | Columbus |
Wakatu | 6.5%-8.5% | Dual Purpose | Hallertauer Mittelfrüh |
Warrior® | 14.5%-18% | Bittering | Nugget |
Whitbread Golding (WGV) | 5%-7.5% | Dual Purpose | East Kent Goldings | Progress |
Willamette | 4%-6% | Aroma | Fuggle | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger | Glacier | Styrian Golding |
Willamette, NZ | 4%-6% | Aroma | Fuggle | Styrian Golding | Tettnanger, USA | Glacier | Styrian Golding |
Wye Challenger | 5%-9% | Dual Purpose | Perle, USA | Northern Brewer | Admiral |
Yakima Gold | 8.8%-10.5% | Dual Purpose | Cluster | Chinook |
Zeus | 13%-17.5% | Bittering | Columbus |
Zlatan | 5.20% | Aroma | Saaz | Hallertau |
Zythos® | 10%-12.5% | Dual Purpose | Citra | Simcoe | Amarillo |
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