Interested in a Microbrewery Account
One Stop Shop for Breweries
Are you a microbrewery and interested in buying wholesale from Get Er Brewed?
We offer very competitive pricing for grains, hops and yeast, which will save you money and ensure you are brewing with the best ingredients available. The microbrewery prices can only be viewed once you are granted wholesale access. This is a very simple process which is described below. Once you are granted access, just navigate to the Microbrewery section of the website and enjoy the best discounts we can offer.
We offer the following products.
- Malt
- Hops
- Yeast
- Process Aids
- Water Treatment
- Glass Bottles
- Caps
How To Get Wholesale Access?
Sign up using your name and email if you haven't already registered an account on the Get Er Brewed website. We will also need some extra details (see the list below).
- Click on MY ACCOUNT on the top menu bar
- Pick MICROBREWERY under Customer Group
- Fill out the form
- Agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS
- Click Continue
You will be sent an email to confirm your registration.
Your details will be reviewed by one of our team members. Once approved, you will be sent an email confirmation.
If you already have a Homebrewing account and would like Microbrewery access, please get in touch.
CLICK HERE or email us at
Extra Details Needed.
We will need the following details to register you as a Microbrewery
- Company Registration Name: The name of your business that is registered with tax/licensing authorities
- Brewery Name: If different from your Company Registration Name
- Brewery Registration No. / AWRS Registration No.: Your brewery registration details with tax/licensing authorities
- VAT number: If you are registered for VAT.
- A contact number so we can proceed without delay
- EORI Number
- Registered business address
As with all wholesale accounts, discounts are applied based on your projected annual spending.