White Labs Yeast
White Labs stands at the intersection of science, education and craft. Constantly striving for perfection, and in the process continually raising the bar in the art of fermentation.
Code: GEB3950
White Labs London Ale Yeast WLP013 - PurePitch® Next GenerationOak ester character makes this yeast well-suited for classic British
beer styles such as pales and bitters, or dark malty beers like brown
ales and porters. Medium flocculation characteristics allow attenuation
up to 75% leaving be..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3890
White Labs London Fog Ale Yeast WLP066 - PurePitch® Next Generation - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis is the go-to strain for New England-style IPAs. It produces a
medium ester profile similar to WLP008 East Coast Ale Yeast. It leaves
some residual sweetness, helping accentuate both malt and hop ..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4152
White Labs Maranon Canyon Wild Cacao Yeast WLP546 - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis yeast was isolated from the thought to be extinct Pure Nacional
variety of cacao. In 2007, this rare variety with white beans was
rediscovered in the remote Marañón River Canyon in Peru. The fruity,
phenolic, an..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4089
White Labs Mexican Lager Yeast WLP940 - PurePitch® Next GenerationFrom Mexico City, this strain produces clean lager beers with a crisp finish. It keeps drinkability on the forefront while allowing malt and hop flavors and aromas to be background notes. A great strain choice for light-style lagers l..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3957
White Labs Monastery Ale Yeast WLP500 - PurePitch® Next GenerationSourced from a Belgian monastery, this strain is ideal for Belgian
quads, tripels and dubbels due to its high alcohol tolerance. It
produces characteristic notes of plum and cherry with a hint of bubble
gum. Lower fermentation t..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4046
White Labs Munich Helles Lager Yeast WLP860 - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis yeast helps to produce a malty but balanced traditional Munich-style lager. It's a clean and strong fermenter, excellent for various lager styles ranging from Helles to Rauchbier.ATTENUATION: 68% - 72%FLOCCULATION: MediumAL..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3901
White Labs NA All Day WLP618 - PurePitch® Next GenerationLow ethyl acetate production. Great for all styles of low alcohol beerThis strain of non-conventional brewing yeast, Saccharomycodes ludwigii,
has been found to be useful when brewing a low alcohol beer. This
specific strain has been ..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3833
White Labs Non STA1son Ale Yeast Blend WLP561This blend of STA1 negative strains produces a complex expression of esters and phenols great for saison and farmhouse-style beers without the potential for super-attenuation commonly associated with many Belgian-style strains. White Labs Brewing commerci..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4270
White Labs Oktoberfest/Märzen Lager Yeast WLP820 - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis strain is ideal for producing malty lagers. Residual sweetness further helps promote malt nuances while contributing to a balanced finish. The first generation of this strain can be slow, so we encourage using a larger..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3897
White Labs Old Bavarian Lager Yeast WLP920 - PurePitch® Next GenerationFrom Southern Germany, this yeast finishes malty with a slight ester
profile. Use in beers such as Oktoberfests, bocks, and dark lagers.ATTENUATION: 66%
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4043
White Labs Opshaug Kveik Ale Yeast WLP518 - PurePitch® Next GenerationSourced from our friend Lars Marius Garshol, this Kveik strain was isolated from a mixed culture which belonged to Harald Opshaug, a farmhouse brewer in Stranda, Norway. This strain was initially used in the 1990s to produce sever..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3896
White Labs Pediococcus damnosus WLP661 - PurePitch® Next GenerationPerfect for use in any sour program, this is a cocci bacteria known for
its souring capabilities through the production of lactic acid. It is a
high diacetyl producer and slow growing, so it’s suggested to use in a
mixed cultur..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4088
White Labs Pilsner Lager Yeast WLP800 - PurePitch® Next GenerationA classic pilsner strain from the Czech Republic, this strain produces a clean, crisp beer that’s somewhat dry with a malty finish. A to-style pilsner strain, this yeast is also well suited for thirst quenching lagers such as Munich H..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB4085
White Labs Premium Bitter Ale Yeast WLP026 - PurePitch® Next GenerationFrom Staffordshire, England. Fermentation gives a mild but complex ester character. Ferments strong and dry and is good for high gravity beers. Best for all English-style ales, including bitters, milds, ESBs, porters, stouts and ..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3963
White Labs Saccharomyces brux-like Trois WLP644 - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis Belgian strain, traditionally used for wild yeast fermentations,
produces a slightly tart beer with delicate mango and pineapple
characteristics. This wild yeast has grown in popularity for styles like
American IP..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3952
White Labs San Diego Super Ale Yeast WLP090 - PurePitch® Next GenerationA low ester producing strain, it’s known for quick fermentations and
producing a neutral flavor and aroma profile similar to WLP001
California Ale Yeast®. Due to high attenuation, this strain produces
very dry beers with i..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3974
White Labs San Francisco Lager Yeast WLP810 - PurePitch® Next GenerationA unique lager strain because it can ferment at a wide range of
temperatures, 58 to 65°F (14–18°C), while retaining lager-like
characteristics. This strain is traditionally used to brew the
California common or steam beer ..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3839
White Labs Sigmund Kveik Ale Yeast WLP520 - PurePitch® Next GenerationSigmund is a Kveik strain shared by Sigmund Gjernes from Voss, Norway. Also known as Voss Kveik, this strain can produce earthy-like flavours with a touch of orange peel aromas.ATTENUATION: 75% - 83%FLOCCULATION: Medium to HighALC..
Ex Tax:£11.47
Code: GEB3987
White Labs Simonaitis Lithuanian Farmhouse Ale Yeast WLP4046 - PurePitch® Next GenerationThis culture is a single strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
isolated from a Lithuanian Farmhouse mixed culture kindly provided by
Julius Simonaitis via Lars Garshol. This culture throws a potent mix of
Ex Tax:£12.16
Code: GEB4153
White Labs Stranda Kveik Ale Yeast WLP519 - PurePitch® Next GenerationStranda is a Kveik strain owned by Stein Langlo from Stranda, Norway.
Considered a “cleaner” Kveik strain, Stranda can also produce a wide
range of beer styles over a large temperature gradient. Ideal for use
when you have l..
Ex Tax:£11.47
White Labs Yeast
White Labs are often referred to in brewing circles as the gold standard of modern and contemporary brewing. Used and trusted by breweries the world over, their yeasts are cultivated, produced and tested rigorously to ensure your brew is as perfect as it can be.
The Get Er Brewed team particularly love the White Labs Purepitch yeast blends, mixing strains of yeast together to create unique flavours and characteristics easily and without any fuss at all. Just squeeze the pack in when you’d normally pitch your yeast, and job done.
There is an incredible range of White Labs liquid yeasts, and we’re happy to say that Get Er Brewed has them all.
Not sure which yeasts to go with? Chat to us and we’ll figure it out together.