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Wyeast Liquid Yeast

Wyeast Liquid Yeasts are shipped on ice to our warehouse from America, and we ship all liquid yeasts with a free ice pack to keep them fresh.
Code: GEB0996
Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey Ale IIAn excellent yeast strain for use in Belgian dark strong ales. This strain has a relatively “clean profile” which allows a rich malt and distinctive ethanol character to shine. Delicate dried fruit esters can be produced when used at higher fermentation temperatures o..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0268
Wyeast 1968 London ESB AleA very good cask conditioned ale strain, this extremely flocculant yeast produces distinctly malty beers. Attenuation levels are typically less than most other yeast strains which results in a slightly sweeter finish. Ales produced with this strain tend to be fruity, increa..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB4133
Wyeast 2000-PC Budvar LagerSpecies: Saccharomyces pastorianusThe Budvar style strain has a nice malty nose with subtle fruit tones and a rich malt profile on the palate. It finishes malty but dry, well-balanced, and crisp. Hop character comes through in the finish.Flocculation: Medium HighApparent A..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 2002-PC Gambrinus Style Lager Wyeast 2002-PC Gambrinus Style Lager
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Code: GEB3652
Wyeast 2002-PC Gambrinus Style LagerSpecies: Saccharomyces pastorianusA Czech-style lager strain with a very mild floral aroma and nice lager character on the nose. Malt dominates profile with subtle floral/fruit notes. This strain produces a full, complex flavour profile with a full mouthfeel. Fini..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0270
Wyeast 2007 Pilsen Lager Wyeast 2007 is the classic American lager strain. This mild, neutral strain produces beers with a nice malty character and a smooth palate. It ferments dry and crisp with minimal sulfur or diacetyl. Beers from this strain exhibit the characteristics of the most popular lage..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0992
Wyeast 2112 California LagerThis strain is particularly well suited for producing California Common-style beers. It retains lager characteristics at temperatures up to 65°F (18°C) and produces malty, brilliantly clear beers. This strain is not recommended for cold temperature fermentation.Origin: Fl..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0260
Wyeast 2124 Bohemian LagerThis Carlsberg type yeast is the most widely used lager strain in the world. This strain produces a distinct malty profile with some ester character and a crisp finish. A versatile strain, that is great to use with lagers or Pilsners for fermentations in the 45-55°F (8-12°C..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0253
Wyeast 2206 Bavarian LagerUsed by many German breweries to produce rich, full-bodied, malty beers, this strain is a good choice for bocks and doppelbocks. A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete. Flocculation: medium-high Attenuation: 73-77% Temperature Range: 46-58..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 2247-PC European Lager Wyeast 2247-PC European Lager
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Code: GEB3802
Wyeast 2247-PC European LagerSpecies: Saccharomyces pastorianus This strain exhibits a very clean and dry flavour profile often found in aggressively-hopped lagers. Produces mild aromatics and slight sulfur notes typical of classic pilsners. This yeast is a good attenuator resulting in beer..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0263
Wyeast 2278 Czech PilsOriginating from the home of great Pilsners in the Czech Republic, this classic strain will finish dry and malty. It is the perfect choice for Bohemian-style Pilsners. Sulfur produced during fermentation can be reduced with warmer fermentation temperatures 58°F (14°C) and will ..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0993
Wyeast 2308 Munich LagerThis is a unique strain, capable of producing fine lagers. It is very smooth, well-rounded and full-bodied. A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete.Origin: Flocculation: mediumAttenuation: 70-74%Temperature Range: 48-56° F (9-13° C)Alcohol Toler..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB3420
Wyeast 2352 Munich Lager II Yeast Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Brettanomyces, & Lactobacillus blend Profile: From a famous brewery in Munich, this strain is a low diacetyl and low sulfur aroma producer. An excellent choice for malt-driven lagers. Metric Temperature Ra..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 2487-PC Hella Bock Lager Wyeast 2487-PC Hella Bock Lager
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB3801
Wyeast 2487-PC Hella Bock LagerSpecies: Saccharomyces pastorianusDirect from the Austrian Alps, this strain will produce rich, full-bodied and malty beers with a complex flavour profile and a great mouth feel. It attenuates well while still leaving plenty of malt character and body. Beers fe..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0267
Wyeast 2565 KolschThis strain is a classic, true top cropping yeast strain from a traditional brewery in Cologne, Germany. Beers will exhibit some of the fruity character of an ale, with a clean lager like profile. It produces low or no detectable levels of diacetyl. This yeast may also be used to p..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 2575-PC Kolsch Yeast II Wyeast 2575-PC Kolsch Yeast II
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB3538
Wyeast Kolsch Yeast II 2575-PCThis authentic Kӧlsch strain from one of Germany’s leading brewing schools has a rich flavor profile which accentuates a soft malt finish. It has low or no detectable diacetyl production and will also ferment well at colder temperatures for fast lager type beers. Flocc..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB3653
Wyeast 2633 Octoberfest Lager BlendSpecies: Saccharomyces pastorianus blendThis blend of lager strains is designed to produce a rich, malty, complex and full-bodied Octoberfest style beer. It attenuates well while leaving plenty of malt character and mouthfeel. This blend is low in sulfur production..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0998
Wyeast 3056 Bavarian WheatThis proprietary blend of a top-fermenting neutral ale strain and a Bavarian wheat strain is a great choice when a subtle German style wheat beer is desired. The complex esters and phenolics from the wheat strain are nicely softened and balanced by the neutral ale strain.Or..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0273
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephen WheatThe classic and most popular German wheat beer strain used worldwide. This yeast strain produces a beautiful and delicate balance of banana esters and clove phenolics. The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing the fermentation temperatu..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0256
Wyeast 3278 Belgian Lambic BlendThis blend contains yeast and bacteria cultures important to the production of spontaneously fermented beers of the Lambic region. Specific proportions of a Belgian style ale strain, a sherry strain, two Brettanomyces strains, a Lactobacillus culture, and a Pediococcu..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3463 Forbidden Fruit Wyeast 3463 Forbidden Fruit
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB4101
Wyeast 3463 Forbidden Fruit Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiaeProfile:  A widely-used strain in the production of Witbier and Grand Cru. This yeast will produce spicy phenolics which are balanced nicely by a complex ester profile. The subtle fruit character and dry tart finish will complement wh..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Showing 21 to 40 of 56 (3 Pages)

Wyeast Liquid Yeast

“Smack the pack” is Wyeast’s tagline and that’s exactly what you do to activate their liquid yeast packs. Once activated, the heirloom, non-GMO yeast strains inside activate, ready to be pitched into your beer, wine, cider, mead, saké… you get the idea.

At Get Er Brewed we love the variety of liquid yeasts that Wyeast can provide. They really do have a yeast for everything. Of course, if you’re just starting out, or trying a style that’s new to you, this can be a little daunting. By all means get in touch with us so we can help you choose the right Wyeast products for your brews.