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Wyeast Liquid Yeast

Wyeast Liquid Yeasts are shipped on ice to our warehouse from America, and we ship all liquid yeasts with a free ice pack to keep them fresh.
Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB0255
Wyeast 3522 Belgian ArdennesOne of the great and versatile strains for the production of classic Belgian style ales. This strain produces a beautiful balance of delicate fruit esters and subtle spicy notes, with neither one dominating. Unlike many other Belgian style strains, this strain is highly f..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0999
Wyeast 3638 Bavarian WheatA complex alternative to the standard German wheat strain profile. This strain produces apple, pear, and plum esters in addition to the dominant banana character. The esters are complemented nicely by clove and subtle vanilla phenolics. The balance can be manipulated toward..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3711 French Saison Wyeast 3711 French Saison
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB0265
Wyeast 3711 French SaisonA very versatile strain that produces Saison or farmhouse style beers as well as other Belgian style beers that are highly aromatic (estery), peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpec..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0257
Wyeast 3724 Belgian SaisonThis strain is the classic farmhouse ale yeast. A traditional yeast that is spicy with complex aromatics, including bubble gum. It is very tart and dry on the palate with a mild fruitiness. Expect a crisp, mildly acidic finish that will benefit from elevated fermentation te..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB3282
Wyeast 3726 Farmhouse YeastSpecies: Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticusProfile:  This strain produces complex esters balanced with earthy/spicy notes. Slightly tart and dry with a peppery finish. A perfect strain for farmhouse ales and Saisons. This Wyeast yeast strain has been classified..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB1092
Wyeast 3763 RoselareOur blend of lambic cultures produce beer with a complex, earthy profile and a distinctive pie cherry sourness. Aging up to 18 months is required for a full flavor profile and acidity to develop. Specific proportions of a Belgian style ale strain, a sherry strain, two Brettanomyc..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB0272
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High GravityA classic strain for brewing Belgian dubbel or Belgian tripel. This Abbey strain produces a nice balance of complex fruity esters and phenolics, making it desirable for use in other Belgian style ales as well. A flocculent, true top cropping yeast (additional headspa..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3864 Canadian Belgian Ale Yeast Wyeast 3864 Canadian Belgian Ale Yeast
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB3305
Wyeast 3864 Canadian Belgian Ale Yeast Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus. Profile: This alcohol-tolerant strain produces complex and well-balanced Belgian Abbey-style ales. Banana and fruit esters are complemented nicely with mild levels of phenolics and hints of acidity. Ester..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3942 Belgian Wheat Wyeast 3942 Belgian Wheat
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB4126
Wyeast 3942 Belgian WheatSpecies: Saccharomyces cerevisiaeProfile:   Isolated from a small Belgian brewery, this strain produces beers with moderate esters and minimal phenolics. Apple, bubblegum and plum-like aromas blend nicely with malt and hops. This strain will finish dry with a hint ..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB0259
Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier This versatile witbier yeast strain can be used in a variety of Belgian style ales. This strain produces a complex flavor profile dominated by spicy phenolics with low to moderate ester production. It is a great strain choice when you want a delicate clove profile not to..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 4134 Sake Yeast Wyeast 4134 Sake Yeast
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB3537
Wyeast 4134 Sake YeastSpecies: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Profile: Saké #9 used in conjunction with Koji for making wide variety of Asian Jius (rice based beverages). Full bodied profile, silky and smooth on palate with low ester production. Metric Temperature Range: 15-24 °C Flocculation: Lo..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0276
Wyeast 5112 Brettanomyces BruxellensisThis strain of wild yeast was isolated from brewery cultures in the Brussels region of Belgium. It produces the classic “sweaty horse blanket” character of indigenous beers such as gueuze, lambics and sour browns and may form a pellicle in bottles or casks. The ..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 5223-PC Lactobacillus Brevis Wyeast 5223-PC Lactobacillus Brevis
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB2923
Wyeast 5223-PC Lactobacillus BrevisUnlike most lactic acid bacteria used in brewing, Lactobacillus breviswill tolerate higher levels of IBUs in wort. 5223-PC will produce alcohol along with lactic acid during fermentation. This strain is excellent for remixing the profile in a Lambic-style or Flande..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Wyeast 5335 Lactobacillus Wyeast 5335 Lactobacillus
Out Of Stock
Code: GEB0278
Wyeast 5335 LactobacillusLactic acid bacteria isolated from a Belgian brewery. This culture produces moderate levels of acidity and is commonly found in many types of beers including gueuze, lambics, sour brown ales and Berliner Weisse. It is always used in conjunction with S.cerevisiae and often wi..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0277
Wyeast 5526 Brettanomyces LambicusThis is a wild yeast strain isolated from Belgian lambic beers. It produces a pie cherry-like flavor and sourness along with distinct “Brett” character. A pellicle may form in bottles or casks. To produce the classic Belgian character, this strain works best in conj..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Code: GEB0279
Wyeast 5733 PediococcusLactic acid bacteria used in the production of Belgian style beers where additional acidity is desirable. Often found in gueuze and other Belgian style beer. Acid production will increase with storage time. It may also cause “ropiness” and produce low levels of diacetyl with e..
Ex Tax:£11.89
Showing 41 to 56 of 56 (3 Pages)

Wyeast Liquid Yeast

“Smack the pack” is Wyeast’s tagline and that’s exactly what you do to activate their liquid yeast packs. Once activated, the heirloom, non-GMO yeast strains inside activate, ready to be pitched into your beer, wine, cider, mead, saké… you get the idea.

At Get Er Brewed we love the variety of liquid yeasts that Wyeast can provide. They really do have a yeast for everything. Of course, if you’re just starting out, or trying a style that’s new to you, this can be a little daunting. By all means get in touch with us so we can help you choose the right Wyeast products for your brews.